When A Man Says He's Not Ready for a Relationship-Yet...

Sunday, February 28, 2010 |

     So, so, sooo many women have encountered the man of their dreams, he's attractive, he's ambitious, he's successful, he's single, and the chemistry is there until he says the fated words.....I LIKE YOU BUT I'M JUST NOT READY FOR A RELATIONSHIP -cue dramatic music.

The question is  what does that really mean and what should you do?

Pretty much when a guy says this he means "let me see if I can first find something better than you and if I don't then we can be in a relationship."  From there on a woman needs to evaluate what she is looking for, if she likes him then she should hang out with him but not do any type of relationship behavior such as have sex, or let him take up too much of her time.  Ultimately if she wants more she should just really leave him alone. 

FELLAS SAY.........
Just because a man says that he is not ready for a serious relationship
doesn't mean that he doesn't like you, it just means that he is not 
willing to commit.  There could be several reasons why he is not  willing to commit.
One reason could be that he is more interested in his career and to fellas relationships are taxing and take up a lot of your time.  
Another could be that he is just doesn't want to be hurt.  In closing he may want you to be there just not as a serious relationship.  Ultimately the decision is up to you, do you want to wait for him or just move on.

Our she said advice comes from Lude Pierre she can be reached at lpierre03@gmail.com.  Our he said comes from Justin Moffatt who can be reached at 
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